
Hi everyone,

Today's post is a rather important one to me- it's my 19th birthday today! A few weeks ago it dawned upon me that this will be my last year as a teenager, which inspired me to create a list of 20 things to do before I'm 20... Hopefully I'll return to this post in a year and be able to check off everything!

(p.s the post is written in the perspective of talking to my future self)

1. Move out.
Whether it's just to university accommodation, or living with friends in a tiny flat somewhere that you can barely afford, please move out.

2. Go to university.
You've already had a resit year, you've applied for uni, just go!

3. Get a passport and travel.
Save up your money for once and get a passport, then get out of the UK. Even if it's just hopping on the Eurostar to Paris for a weekend, you should do it.

4. Go in the water again.
You used to LOVE going to the beach with friends, and just going out into the sea and messing around. Don't let your fear of water stop you.

5. Dye my hair.
Currently, you're not happy with your hair (faded red/orange/strawberry blonde/peach) whatever this mess is. Sort it out!

6. Volunteer/raise money for Cancer Research.
Cancer is something that has affected your family, and this year you should either do some volunteer work to help, or do something to raise money for cancer research,

7. Make amends with an old friend.
There are so many people from primary/high school that you don't talk to anymore. Whether you've fallen out, or just drifted apart, get back in touch with someone.

8. Get a job.
Seriously, any job. If you do end up going to uni in London, you will need the money!

9. Vote.
You've been eligible to vote for 2 years now, you should have done it.

10. Get a tattoo.
You've wanted to get this specific tattoo for a few years now. Man up and do it! Or get matching best friend tattoos, you know you've always wanted them.

11. Harry Potter marathon.
You've attempted this once before, but it failed. Your ex-boyfriend fell asleep halfway through, you skipped a film and half the people just left. Grab some friends, lots of sweets and popcorn and sit through ALL of the films!

12. Learn how to cook a proper meal.
You should know at least ONE decent meal to cook when you have people coming over that you want to impress. And no, noodles do not count.

13. Perfect a hangover cure.
So far, you've tried every hangover cure under the sun. Drinking raw eggs, tomato juice and hot sauce was not the best cure. Find what works for you and stick to it!

14. Go to a fortune teller/psychic/tarot reader.
You've always been interested in this kinda stuff, so whats the harm in trying it? Make a day out of it, go with a group of cards and all get your tarot cards done.

15. De-clutter your wardrobe.
You are SUCH a hoarder, it's unreal. Do you still need that red mini-tutu that you wore for Halloween in 2009? Really? Get rid of it.

16. Do not get involved with anyone that's in a relationship!
This is one of the important ones for you. You and your friends often joke about how you're "cursed" because you always fall for guys with girlfriends, sleep with them and then get your heartbroken. Get out of this habit, try and go for a single guy for once.

17. Kiss someone that you actually like.
This kinda relates to the one above. Right now, you're just kissing random drunk guys in clubs for the sake of it. I hope that by the time you're 20, you've actually LIKED someone and had a sober kiss with them. Please, I can't deal with drunk makeout sessions on the dance floor anymore.

18. Go to a gig.
The last proper gig you went to was in 2010, and you met a guy for 5 minutes then ended up having a long distance relationship with him for 2 years. Fun times. Go see a band, enjoy the music, become a groupie if you really want to.

19. Go on a drunken adventure and get lost.
One of your favourite memories is from London 2013, when you and your best friend went on a drunk tube adventure, some foreign man took his socks off and then the jalapeno almost got squished by the worm train. Go out somewhere with friends, get drunk and get lost. It'll be a fun experience!

20. Finally, be happier about yourself.
Sure, there's always going to be things about yourself that you don't like. The way your left eyelid droops, how round your nose is, how tiny your hands and feet look, that weird birthmark on your left side. But lately, you've became so much more relaxed with your appearance. You've even been out of the house without makeup on. Take it a step further, and learn to be happy with who you are. Because trust me, if you haven't by the time you're 20, then you will be unhappy about it for years to come.

What are some things that you would like to achieve before 20? Or if you are 20+, what are some things you wished you had done?

Demi xo


Hey everyone!

Today's post is a review of the Garnier Nutrisse Ultra Colour in shade "Intense Red Copper". I picked up 2 boxes of this in Asda because they were reduced down to about £1.50, so why not! I ended up needing more than 2, so I picked up another 4 in Boots, but I only actually used 4 on my hair.

It was definitely an odd experience mixing the dye in the bottle - it went bright, ketchup red! It comes with the bottle of dye, a tube of developing cream, conditioner and gloves. It was fairly pleasant to put on, didn't have any problems with the consistency or the smell of the dye.
Before // After

And ta-da! The end result was bright red roots, and a sort of orange/red/blonde mix all over. How brilliant. I don't know whether it's a problem with the dye, the application or just the condition of my hair at the time, but the colour did not work very well on most of my hair. I definitely think I need to get this sorted by a hairdresser. One positive note - the little bottle of conditioner. It was amaaaaaaazing! It was so thick and rich and left my hair looking, feeling and smelling gorgeous. I need to keep my eye out for this in a bigger bottle!

Have you used this brand of dye before? What were your experiences?

Demi xo